Menopause and the Microbiome

Women’s experiences of menopause vary enormously.  Some have a relatively easy time whilst others suffer years of debilitating symptoms.

So why is this?  Could the answer lie in the gut? Recent research suggests that gut bacteria are an important part of this puzzle.

We have around 100 trillion microorganisms living in our guts.  They have an enormous influence on our body processes, particularly those that affect menopausal symptoms.

Studies have found that a healthy microbiome can

  • Regulate oestrogen production

  • Help weight loss

  • Strengthen bone

  • Improve mood and lessen anxiety

  • Reduce hot flushes

  • Ease vaginal dryness

Sounds good, so what makes for a healthy microbiome, and what can we do to look after our helpful gut bugs?

Diet plays a huge part, eating foods rich in fibre, and low in refined sugar is key. If this seems like a mountain to climb in itself, I’ve had great results helping clients reduce sugar cravings with advise on blood sugar control.

Having a variety of different foods each day is also helpful.  Try eating a rainbow of different coloured foods.

Managing stress is another factor since high stress levels can lower levels of helpful bugs in the gut.

Eating fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha can help too.

Choose a good probiotic supplement, with at least 10 billion organisms, especially if you are under stress, or have had antibiotic treatment. 

A nutritionist can assess your gut bugs by use of a questionnaire or by testing.  Get in touch to find out more. 


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