Do I need extra Zinc?


Zinc is in the news again this week. It's now been shown to have antibacterial effects in it's own right, as well as boosting immunity. I test all my clients for zinc status. It's a quick and easy taste test, a bit rough and ready, but often gives some helpful information. Zinc isn't just used by the immune system. Anywhere the cell turnover is high will need plenty of zinc. Digestion and skin are two areas often affected by low zinc.

So where do we get zinc from and who might need extra?

High levels of zinc are found in protein foods like meat, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds. Vegetarians who depend on cheese for protein may have low levels. Deficiency is also common after prolonged infections such as glandular fever or recurrent ear or throat infections.

Low levels also seem to common in Crohn's sufferers and people with IBS. There may also be a link between low zinc and post natal depression. Other conditions where zinc may be a factor include anorexia, shingles, infertility and ulcers.

You can boost levels by upping your protein intake but it can be a slow process. Supplements can be helpful but make sure you avoid those containing zinc oxide as this is very poorly absorbed. I use zinc drops which are easily absorbed and great for kids too.


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